NOTICE: Monef High School Mid-term result for First term 2024/2025 Session has been released.... Please use your child's Reg No. as the Username and his/her Surname as the password to login. Thank you.
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Monef Kiddies
High School
Select Term
Please Select Term
First Term 2019/2020
Second Term 2019/2020
Third Term 2019/2020
First Term 2020/2021
Second Term 2020/2021
Third Term 2020/2021
First Term 2021/2022
Second Term 2021/2022
Third Term 2021/2022
First Term 2022/2023
Second Term 2022/2023
Third Term 2022/2023
First Term 2023/2024
Second Term 2023/2024
Third Term 2023/2024
First Term 2024/2025
Having difficulty checking result? Contact the ICT team on:
08089357452, 07062895356